Stirling Technologies, Inc. (c) 1990-1994 SRCDIR SRCDISK TARGETDISK TARGETDIR WINDIR WINDISK WINSYSDIR WINSYSDISK ERRORFILENAME INFOFILENAME SUPPORTDIR CMDLINE ISVERSION SHARED UNINST ISRES ISUSER FOLDER_DESKTOP FOLDER_STARTMENU FOLDER_STARTUP PROGRAMFILES COMMONFILES? LAST_RESULT CMDVALUE HINST_INSTALL BATCH_INSTALL LOGHANDLE _sdRECT right bottom _sdSIZE SelectObject GetTextExtentPoint EnableWindow GetClassName GetDC GetDlgItem GetFocus GetWindowLong GetWindowRect GetWindowWord IsIconic IsWindow IsWindowEnabled MoveWindow USER ReleaseDC SetFocus SetWindowText ShowWindow LoadString KERNEL GetModuleHandle GetClientRect SetWindowPos PostMessage ShowCursor SystemParametersInfo WTOOL95.EXE, WTOOLKIT.EXE Dr Solomon's Softwarea Anti-Virusb* BANNER.BMP_ TOOLKIT.INIR# TOOLKIT.INIa TOOLKIT.INI Dr Solomon's FindVirusA \DSAVTK Setup will installa Dr Solomon's FindVirus$ in the directory shown below.$ Click Next to install to this directory.a To install to a different directory, click Browse and$ select another directory.$ You can choose not to installa Dr Solomon's FindVirus$ by clicking Cancel to exit Setup. Error!A Sorry, cannot installa Dr Solomon's FindVirus$ to a network or floppy drive. Please install to a different disk. There is not enough space available on drivea Please free up some space or change the target location$ to a different disk. RetailFiles Copying program files... MESSAGES.DRVa MESSAGES.DRV FIND.DRVa FIND.DRV REPAIR.DRVa REPAIR.DRV NAMES.DRVa NAMES.DRV SPLASH1.BMPa SPLASH1.BMP SPLASH2.BMPa SPLASH2.BMP CONTACT.TXTa CONTACT.TXT DATA.Za SHAREDLL.Za *.*B6 DATA.1a *.*B2 SHAREDLL.Za *.*B3 MESSAGES.DRVA Copying program files...! OEMFVI95., OEMFVI31. Error! DISK! Please inserta Dr Solomon's FindVirus$ Windows 95a Windows 3.1xa diska Unable to create a directory under a Please check write access to this directory. Target directory is read-onlya Error Number:$ Please inserta Dr Solomon's FindVirus$ Please inserta Error Number:$ General file transfer error.a Please check your target location and try again.$ Error Number:a Related File:$ Creating Program Folder and Icons...( Dr Solomon's FindVirus< Creating Program Folder and Icons...( 95TOOLKI.HLP WTOOLKIT.HLP Dr Solomon's FindVirus Help$ WINHELP.EXE b" Creating Program Folder and Icons...( WTOOL95.EXE WTOOLKIT.EXE Dr Solomon's FindVirus: Creating Program Folder and Icons...( VEINFO95.HLP VEINFO.HLP Virus Encyclopedia$ WINHELP.EXE b" Creating Program Folder and Icons...( RMVTJ32.EXE RMVTJ16.EXE Trojan Remover: Creating Program Folder and Icons... StartUp( FVLAUNCH.EXE FVLAUN16.EXE FindVirus Launch Program: Creating Program Folder and Icons... WTOOL95.EXE Dr Solomon's FindVirus: Creating Program Folder and Icons... RMVTJ32.EXE Trojan Remover: TOOLKIT.INIR# TOOLKIT.INIa TOOLKIT.INI Gathering uninstall information... Dr Solomon's FindVirus( UNINST32.EXE UNINST16.EXE Uninstalla Dr Solomon's FindVirus UNINST.LOG ~DSAV.$$$ ~AVTK.$$$ UPDATE.BAT Setup Complete README.TXTR# Latest Information$ Late breaking news and information abouta Dr Solomon's FindVirus$ can be found in the ReadMe file.$ Do you want to view the information now?$ (This installation will pause until you close the ReadMe file) README.TXT NOTEPAD.EXEb1 Question Setup Complete$ Dr Solomon's FindVirus$ will now scan your system for viruses. Information( WFINDV32.EXE, WFINDVIR.EXE Setup Complete$ Setup is complete. You may run the program by selecting thea Dr Solomon's FindVirus$ group from the Start menu. group from Program Manager. Cancel Installation?$ This will cancel the current installation.a Are you sure you want to do this? Dr Solomon's Setup$ Setup cannot safely deletea Please check the directory is empty, then manually remove it. QuestionD Error!$ Could not validate startup!a Contact Dr Solomon's Software for assistance* SETUP.EXE Error!$ This installation must be started through SETUP.EXE!a Contact Dr Solomon's Software for assistance* \SOFTWAREa Dr Solomon's Software% Anti-Virus DisplayName2 Product2 WIN.INI& drsolava DisplayNameR WIN.INI& drsolava ProductR OEM FindVirus( InstallPath2 \SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Dr Solomon's FindVirusR UninstallString2 WIN.INI& drsolava InstallPathR WIN.INI& drsolava UninstallStringR Setup has detected a previous installation ofa Dr Solomon's FindVirus$ in the directory$ Installing this version to the above directory will updatea your existing installation.$ Do you want to perform an automatic upgrade? Previous Installation Found$ Question Question Setup has detecteda on this system.$ Please uninstall this product before attempting to install$ Dr Solomon's FindVirus$ Other Product Found* bordlg_sandsa FVWINa Dr Solomon's Anti-Virus FindVirus for Windows 95, Dr Solomon's Anti-Virus Error!$ There was an error closing a Dr Solomon's application.a Please close all Dr Solomon's applications manually and restart this installation \SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Dr Solomon's FindVirus DisplayName Dr Solomon's FindVirusQ UninstallString% UNINSTAL.EXE \SOFTWAREa Dr Solomon's Software% Anti-Virus InstallPath% WIN.INI% drsolavb DisplayName Dr Solomon's FindVirus( WIN.INI% drsolavb UninstallString% UNINSTAL.EXE WIN.INI% drsolavb Version WIN.INI% drsolavb Product OEM FindVirus( WIN.INI% drsolavb \SOFTWAREa Dr Solomon's Software% Anti-Virus% Installed Files Fileb UNINST.LOG% InstallFilesb \SOFTWAREa Dr Solomon's Software% Anti-Virus% Shared Files Fileb \SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Help 95TOOLKI.HLP \SOFTWAREa Dr Solomon's Software% Anti-Virus% Groups Groupb UNINST.LOG% Groupsb \CLSIDa& {5D26E881-5015-11cf-8406-00C0A808723C} FindVirus Context MenuQ \CLSIDa& {5D26E881-5015-11cf-8406-00C0A808723C}% InprocServer32 fvcxmenu.dll ThreadingModel ApartmentQ \*\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers FVCXMenuQ \*\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers\FVCXMenu {5D26E881-5015-11cf-8406-00C0A808723C}Q \Drive\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers FVCXMenuQ \Drive\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers\FVCXMenu {5D26E881-5015-11cf-8406-00C0A808723C}Q \Directory\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers FVCXMenuQ \Directory\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers\FVCXMenu {5D26E881-5015-11cf-8406-00C0A808723C}Q \SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\explorer\AlwaysUnloadDll Installinga Dr Solomon's FindVirus Dr Solomon's SetupA Sorry, this product requires VGA or better resolution.A USER.EXE 3.10( 3.11( Sorry, this product is not designed for this version of WindowsA \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell FoldersR Desktop2 StartUp2 StartUp Desktop progman.exe( Settingsa startupR0 Start Up( StartUp, StartUp C:\AUTOEXEC.BATA WIN.INI| SYSTEM.INI| Write Protect Error$ Setup cannot write to:a C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT WIN.INI SYSTEM.INI Setup must be able to write to$ this file$ these files$ to perform the installation.$ Please correct the problem and run Setup again. General file transfer error.a Related File:$ edit( SETUPSTR862R1 Disk Space0 temp.txt temp.txt In function '%s': Unable to create dialog. Make sure the _ISRES.DLL is in _SETUP.LIB. Errorb2 _sdSIZEa %s-%ldb \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion, \Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion, USER! RegisteredOwner2 RegisteredOrganization2 SdShowMsg! SdShowMsg/ _sdRECTa _sdRECTa bottom2 SdFinishReboot! ResultA BootOptionA ResultA BootOptionA ResultA ResultA BootOptionA _EWQV _MRQR 3.00.077